Eugene Eric Kim on What I Call “Community Indicators”

Community indicators are everywhere, including embedded in how we design and participate in our online spaces. Read the whole blog post, ok?

Creating delightful, inviting spaces is simple, but not easy. Unfortunately, we often make it unnecessarily complicated. I don’t expect most workspaces to have wide open, reconfigurable spaces with natural light on two sides and moveable whitewalls and furniture. But why can’t all workspaces have signs like this? How many actually do?

via Eugene Eric Kim » Three Simple Hacks for Making Delightful Virtual Spaces.

I love the word “delightful!” Thanks, Eugene! (And Katie, the community person at the Standford D School!)

3 thoughts on “Eugene Eric Kim on What I Call “Community Indicators””

  1. Thanks for the tip on this post Nancy – I am off to have a read. It is very timely as we are creating a workplace online community, which I hope will be lively and sustaining for its members.

  2. LaDonna Coy sometimes sets the tone for her online meetings with a wonderfully inviting photo of a coffee shop, usually including an empty chair or two…it looks as if she has been waiting for you to join her! I like the feeling of being welcomed into the environment by something as simple as a photograph.

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