Monday Video: What digital natives want from their library

YouTube – What digital natives want from their library. I have the current pleasure of working with librarians on a project, so when I saw this link on Twitter, I thought PERFECT! Not only an amazingly clever video for a conference opener, it also reminds us  of the world we live it – full of jargon, clever people and high expectations!

Thanks to Twitter Friends for Librarian Network Links

haikugirlYesterday I put a query out to my Twitter network to identify active, vibrant networks of librarians. Thanks to the following fab friends, I was able to pull together a list which I’ve copied below.

Thanks to @MoreCoffeePls, @eekim, @Carl_wkg@ekreeger, @band, @alinwagnerlahmy, @goamick, @clairebrooks, @heatherdavis, @flexnib, @haikugirloz,

Networks that “Librarian 2.0” types might plug into

If you have any more, please leave them in the comments! THANKS!