Sunday, May 30, 2004

A Bunch of Interesting Links from the Weekend

Online Conference Discussions - From January 2004, this article echoes what I have seen in practice for integrating online pre/during/post interaction with a conference or other F2F meeting. Our F2F time is too precious. We need to make the most of it. This is one way.

Clancy Ratliff shares an interesting paper -- "Push-Button Publishing for the People": The Blogosphere and the Public Sphere. Lends more ideas as to how we E-ngage ourselves in the public sphere.

Charlie Lowe reflects on the impact of the interesting wiki on CommunityTiedToOneTechnology as it relates to his site. He talks about removing forum modules from Kairosnews. All blogs, all the time. What does this mean for people who prefer forums or story modules?

David Huffaker's thesis, Gender Similarities and Differences in Online Identity and Language Use among Teenage Bloggers. From the abstract:
Contrary to prediction, the results indicate that there are more gender similarities than differences in blog use. However, some gender differences were noted, regarding emotive features, sexual identity, language use, and some components of personal information. Males average more emoticons in their posts than females. Males also reveal their homosexuality more often than females, expressing their sexual identity or coming out. Males reveal their location more often than females, while females present a link to a personal web site more often than males. Finally, males use a more active and resolute language than females.

That's enough for one post. I gotta pee.


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