Monday, June 28, 2004

Andy Roberts' Blog: Forums vs Threaded discussions

Andy Roberts blogs in living color on Forums vs Threaded discussions.

First, I love the color. It's like I can hear all the different voices inside of Andy's head. But hey, content matters. Andy offers some opinions on linear discussion forums and also points out that we often use the same terms for things, but mean something completely different. Check out the comments that follow.

We have been having some of these discussions in a private Ultraversity hot seat discussion. It has been really interesting to see the conversations spill out into the researchers' blogs and email discussion lists. It is very rich, if someone hard to pin down in (at least) three different toolspaces. But what is most interesting is how the writers' voice changes between the hotseat discussion and the blogs. This has given me a lot to think about. It echoes some of the helpful feedback I got when I started blogging. One of the observations was that my "voice" here in my blog was different than my voice on the online facilitation list.

Verrrry interesting!


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