Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Let's Talk America and More Bridging

For my US friends:
Seattlite and friend Susan Partnow is one of the folks behind this effort to get people talking to each other, not just hurling one liners about who we like or who we dislike. It is F2F conversations facilitated through online connections - another example of a bridge. Click to Let's Talk America - sign up to host, volunteer or take part in a conversation in your local area.

This reminds me of the National Coalition for Dialog and Deliberation's "Calling the Question" project. The project is sponsored by the Mainstream Media Project and the Harvard Global Negotiation Project, in cooperation with MoveOn.org It is designed to impact call in radio shows here in the US, but I sense the technique is applicable in much broader ways and across other borders. They are using online asynch discussion boards (run by MoveOn) for feedback and coaching of the volunteers doing the radio talk show call ins and have developed a really great looking training program for the volunteers. Nice blend of web, phone, radio and F2F (I believe some of the local volunteer teams meet F2F.)


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