Wednesday, August 11, 2004

iPlan - Community engagement techniques and tools

iPlan - Community engagement techniques and tools.
You will find suggestions in Opportunities for engagement in the planning system on clusters of techniques that best suit each phase of plan making and development assessment processes. The same categories are used here, together with a long form description of a selection of techniques available in each category.
Take a click to this site from New South Wales to see the table of community engagement. I was really taken by their use of the concept of "promise to the public." What I have seen lacking in most public consultation is clarity on the promise. Why should I spend my time giving you input, Mr or Ms. Government, if I have no idea what you plan to do with it beyond claiming you provided a chance for public input. Look too at the link to tools. This is worth more time in my book! Also see their Strengthening Rural Communities kit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you taken a look at Ernesto Sirolli's Enterprise Facilitation model?

11:00 AM  

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