Wednesday, November 24, 2004

My Email Woes

Well some spammer is spoofing my email address to send spam and all the bounce backs are hitting my email. 4000 yesterday, and we are getting past that today. It is bringing me to my email knees. The cost of changing my email address in terms of my network is painful. I'm considering some of those obnoxious filters that ask people who email me to log on to a website so I can approve them. YUCK!

Has anyone experienced this and found a reasonable solution? HELP!


Blogger Andy said...

Hi Nancy,

sounds awful.
I suggest you post a short explanation with sample headers from the bouncebacks on the usenet newsgroup

where someone who knows should help you, ( if the lunatics havent taken over the asylum this month )

worth a try anyway, otherwise, your email provider, ISP, domain hosting company or whoever it is you pay for the service ought to help you. Unless you run your own mailserver, in which case you're on your own I guess.

4:30 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Hi Nancy,

Harold Jarche asked me to stop in here.

I run one of those "are you real?" email filters myself.

They are quite good if:
1) You can add folks you know already to a whitelist that won't ask them to confirm,
2) Those you forget, who do confirm, are added to the whitelist so they never have to again.

Not knowing your setup... if you run your own mail server install ASK (Active Spam Killer) now.

If you are running a windows machine.. try the newest Zone Alarm. I understand, though haven't verified, that this is done well.

Best of luck.

P.S. you could just change your email address, but then the terrorists, oh I mean spammers, win.

5:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy
Not really a comment on the spam problem but to let you know the RSS feed seems to have dropped your blog off the side of the planet! I use NetNewsWireLite - all the other feeds are working - it was only when I saw a comment about your blog via another feed that I realised you were missing!
Eve [Ultraversity]

Hope you get your spamming sorted soon.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to try them all. My Eudora pro does a great job of filtering out the spew, but the hit on my system is intense. I'm trying on to see if that helps. I'll post to the usenet group tomorrow. Still turkey drunk right now!

Happy thanksgiving!

And Eve, the ATOM feed seems to work fine, but checking through feedster it seems to drop off there. I'm now trying to figure out what is going on. does work for me -- maybe change your feed?

Speaking of feed, there is still pumpkin pie left. Hmm.. maybe one more piece!

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy - forgot it was Thanksgiving y'day - Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

The atom feed doesn't seem to work with NetNewsLite - if it's of any use the last headline that my feed via feedster was

I shall drop in once a week til it's fixed!


1:46 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Hm, Eve, I'm not sure how to solve this problem. It appears that the feeds are working, but I haven't learned enough to figure out why they aren't working for you.

This is one thing I've noticed about blogging. It is REALLY easy to get started and do things at the simplest level. But it can get technically complicated (and at times downright mysterious) quickly!

7:31 PM  

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