Sunday, November 28, 2004

Using Blogs for Collaborative Document Review/Writing

I'm still catching up on blog reading and found Stuart's post on Iterative Blogging: BlogDoc 1.0

I tried to leave a comment for Stuart on this but there is comment foo tonight, so putting this here as I know Stuart, that you are vigilant and tracking trackbacks and such! (That I could figure that one! Oi!)

Stuart, I'm about to do a two day online meeting with folks in Africa which will require document review. I'm very interested in seeing if they want to try this. I believe I am dealing with low tech experience/saavy and bandwidth issues, so I have to figure out a very lightweight interface. And this is not a html saavy bunch as far as I know, so no fancy formatting.

I'm very curious!


Blogger Denham said...


This sounds like an application for a wiki. Append, annend, refactor, anneal, squeal, squawk, talk... do it in the text.

You are welcome to use KmWiki if you are looking for a space to work.

6:47 PM  

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