Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Conflict Resolution and Development in Online Communities

Olaf Brugman has an intriguing series of essays on his KM site that I've skimmed, but not read deeply. They are on the list for a slower, more thoughtful read, but knowing my time, I wanted to pass along the links.
Goiaba Knowledge Bridge: Conflict Resolution and Development in Online Communities

In a series of articles, disfunctional conflicts and conflict resolution in online communities are explored from a spiritist perspective.

The conclusion is that adopting a spiritist perspective offers a new look on the conflict resolution and community development, especially because the spiritist perspective focuses on roles and responsibilities of individual group members, based on spiritist understandings of 'principles to live by', and on how people are related.

The following articles are available:

1. A spiritist perspective on knowledge management and social development

2. Short introduction to spiritist philosophy

3. The Case of the Dysfunctional Community

4. Community Design Revisited

5. Conflict versus Harmony"
I am peripherallly familiar with the community conflict case in #3, and almost cringe to read about it. That is a testament to the challenge of conflict in distributed groups. I was happy to see in #5 the point made about communities needing both conflict and harmony. Both are important in my experience. So we need to be attentive to the balance point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Nancy, I found your blog through your reference to my article. Congratulations on your blog, it is really informative and I will add it right away to my blogroll. Interested to hear about your 'deeper thoughts' about the article. Best wishes, Olaf Brugman ( :))

12:02 AM  

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