Saturday, December 04, 2004

Experimenting With Sharing FURL Bookmarks & RSS Feeds

I have been using FURL to research projects and simply gather sites that I find interesting. I see too many sites to blog them all (both from a review time and quantity perspective). But there are some damn fine resources out there.

To share them, I have made my FURL bookmarks public, put them at the lower right of this blog (below the ginormous blogroll!) and am posting the RSS link here in case anyone is using FURL and likes to subscribe to other's FURL collections.

If you keep a FURL or (I have an account there, but have not kept up with it - it seems to run very slow for me)tab running that covers online facilitation, online groups, social networks, social software or any such permutation, I'd love to know about it to add to my feeds. Thanks!


Blogger marnie webb said...

Nancy, I used Furl for quite a while to keep up with links on my web blog. I love that it gives you a simple way to publish. However, I've recently switch to Spurl. Why? It integrates with I've found great benefit in using tags as a way of connecting with and finding other content. Tag surfing is something that wasn't available via Furl. With Spurl, I get the best of both world -- my links are javascriptable on my weblog and it posts them to so that I can use do my tag surfing later to find other relevant content.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Harold Jarche said...

Scott Leslie - - has created a trial Edubloggers feed rollup, of FURL and Delicious feeds:

6:55 AM  

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