Thursday, February 03, 2005

Mernit's on iVillage's Redesign - Time to Take Back Community?

iVillage has long time standing as an online community. So when I saw Susan' post, iVillage has curves--and a redesign, I kept reading. She writes:
However, what seems to have taken a back seat in the slick, multimedia design are the community and message board aspects of the site--they're kinda MIA.
So what does this mean? Maybe it is another signal that it is time to take back control of our online group interactions away from the large commercial sites. We can and do create them through a lovely, handwoven multicolored fabric of discussion boards, email lists, blogs, wikis and whatever else emerges from our range of electronic devices. Large companies tried to commoditize community. It gave community, in many respects, a bland, watered down image.

Let's take it back as our own.


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