Friday, February 25, 2005

Posting from the Soul

This week a link from Scoble took me to Lenn Pryor's blog post about the passing of his sister. Lori Ann Pryor April 27, 1976 - Febuary 22, 2005. I have been thinking a lot about how our humanity shows up in these electronic artefacts of ourselves we call blogs. Julie Leung at Northervoice, and posts like Lenn's are influencing how I am thinking about how I show up in my blog. Yeah, I want it to be of value in the practice of online interaction. But I want that in a warm electronic voice (idea from Michele Paradis)

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Blogger Arjun Singh said...

Hello Nancy,

First of all, it was GREAT to meet you at Northern Voice, even though we did not get to chat as much as I would have liked. I really appreciated your talk and think it helped a lot of the non techie or even intermediate techies in the room. And I appreciated your warm invite to join such an interesting group for dinner.

And I want to say that I have found your blog to be warmly wriiten in a friendly tone. So, I am not sure you have to worry.

One thought: I have two blogs that I can update from the same login page on Typepad. I separate out my tech stuff (my paid passion) from everything else (nonpaid passions).

5:35 PM  

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