Monday, March 14, 2005

Examining an Experience Through a Particular Lens

Why am I writing so much about gender issues at SXSW? I realized it might be helpful to add some context. I've had a few friends look askance at me and wonder what is up, because they feel this event is one of the more diverse. It is. I'm not trying to ding anyone here nor the event.

I'm trying to offer a particular lens on the experience. There will be hundreds of blog posts reporting content. So I decided this was my lens. Why? There have been a number of conversations buzzing around about women in blogging and BlogHerCon. What better laboratory to test some of my assumptions, seek others' opinions and engage in conversations than here at SXSW. It is more divese.

Risky? Maybe. To examine an issue, to understand an issue, you have to expose it. You have to expose yourself and risk conversations or actions that may alienate. Some of the moves may not have the grace of Tai Chi. My intention is not to diss men. My intention is to gain more perspectives about women in technologically affilliated areas as we are still underrepresented. So we can have fruitful conversations about what we might do in response.

I realize now it would have been helpful to say this earlier. So transparency, but a bit late in the game. I'll seek to do better.


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