Friday, April 08, 2005

Living The Brand

Another Friday Post. Elana Centor is on a road trip with her daughter. The last couple of days she has been posting about staying in Hampton Inns. Yesterday she got her money back. It's a great story for Friday reading...FunnyBusiness: Notes From The Road - Living The Brand.

Over the past few months I have been having a TERRIBLE problem with a cellular company (not the provider, the ones who sold me the phone) and the AWFUL insurance they talked me into buying. I think of how much time I waste with them and thing, dang, I WOULD pay more for better service. It matters. A lot.


Blogger Elana said...

Hey Nancy,
Have had a similar experience with cell phone insurance which I am actually going to write about in the blog. I've had it on the to do list for about 4 months. Here's the deal with cellular phone insurance--you want to think twice about getting the service. If you make two claims within a year, they cancel the insurance, for a year. The problem is they cancel it on your cell phone number. So if you upgrade to another phone, you can't get insurance on it until the "year of banishment" is over. Now here's the real Catch-22. Starting January 2005, you have to get insurance within 15 days of purchasing your phone. So if you happen to be on your year of insurance banishment and purchase a more expensive phone, that phone ( can you say blackberry) will not receive insurance. Makes my blood boil just to think about it.
Something I'll write in more detail on Monday.

6:00 AM  

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