Thursday, May 26, 2005

A Blogiversary Ditty (while stuck in airport)

Here I sit
in Sacramento
without a flight
(slightly demento)

Five hours late
a plane gone fritzy
(without my wireless
I'd feel quite ditzy)

I want to post
but I'm so tired
aw, heck I'll try
because I'm wired

I paid my fee
for bits and byte
besides it helps
me pass the night

I've found blogs more
than words on pages
but people's links
by chance engages

New doors fly open
ideas emerge
and conversations
ebb and surge

So am I a blogger?
Made the cut?
Sheesh, I tried
don't kick my butt

Some times it's weak
and typo laden
but no one promised
a garden of eden

So here I toss
a bloggy ditty
I know it's weak
and it ain't pretty

But heck it is
12 months I've posted
I'll celebrate
althought I'm toasted

One small p.s.
a word of thanks
to all who read
comment, or yank

Upon my chain
please pull some more
because I'll blog
until you snore

It's time to get
another beer
so here's to one more
bloggy year!


Blogger James said...

Congrats, I think I'll do a sonnet for my next one!

4:15 AM  
Anonymous Constantin Basturea said...

Happy anniversary! :)

10:06 PM  
Blogger Harold Jarche said...

Happy #1 and I wish you many more. Nice touch - the poetry - made me smile :-)

PS: Can't wait for James' sonnet ...

12:06 PM  
Anonymous beth said...

While delayed on boarding your flight
It is a wonder you can write
poetry with an upbeat tone
and humor when all you want to do is go home ...

but perhaps it is the beer
that gives you such good cheer
when tired
keep on blogging year after year!

7:55 PM  

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