Saturday, May 14, 2005

Honoria Starbuck and Life Drawing Class Online

This week Honoria Starbuck shared her experience teaching life drawing online with the "onlinefacilitation" group. She wrote:
"I just finished a 5.5 week job facilitating a life drawing class online!
Yes, artists drawing naked people with real art materials such as paper, charcoal and pencils all taught and critiqued online. I worked for the Art Institute Online department of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and it was a blast. I am an artist and I've attended life drawing sessions every week for years. I have also been an online community facilitator for but I never thought the two could really be combined until now...It's kind of clunky but the class energy was high and the competencies were definitely gained. "
I love it, Honoria! A great example of taking more advantage of the visual capability of online interaction. We seem to be making strides with the audio side and podcasting, but I'd love to see more on the visual site.

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