Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Join the Potluck with a Twist

Arggh. I have about 20 draft blog posts from the last three days, none complete. But this one can't wait. We need the assistance of those who like to take pictures of food and play with Flikr. Is that you? Read on.

Last night I got an email from a blog friend, Beth, asking me to upload some food pictures to Flikr with the tag beth_potluck. Here is one of the shots.

See, Beth is using a potluck metaphor as an experiment to share with others the concept of tagging and social bookmarking. Here is her blog post: Beth's Blog: Decadent Chocolate Dessert
"In an attempt to create a demo to explain tagging and social tagging to some folks who run a ctc [Community Technology Center] that works with homeless for Friday, I came up with the metaphor of a potluck dinner. Here's on one of the desserts ... Let's see who else is coming and bringing what in flickr. This is an open invitation. All you have to do is upload a photo of the food to flickr and tag it beth_potluck."
So what are you waiting for? Join us at the potluck. That chocolate dessert and much more is awaiting you. What will you bring?

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Anonymous Beth said...

Thanks Nancy! That chocolate dessert looks yummy!

8:32 AM  

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