Wednesday, June 15, 2005

BBC - Radio 3 - Beethoven Gifts

The gift economy is alive and well at the BBC. After a week of playing ALL of Beethoven's works, the BBC will offer the Beethoven Experience - downloads. You can download for free the following:
"Symphony 6 will be broadcast on Monday 27th June, and available to download from Tuesday 28th June to Monday 4th July.

Symphony 7 will be broadcast on Tuesday 28th June, and available to download from Wednesday 29th June to Tuesday 5th July.

Symphony 8 will be broadcast on Wednesday 29th June, and available to download from Thursday 30th June to Wednesday 6th July.

Symphony 9 will be broadcast on Thursday 30th June, and available to download from Friday 1st July to Thursday 7th July.
MARK your calendars!"

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