Friday, June 03, 2005

John Maeda

A couple of weeks ago I heard John Maeda speak at the AIGA Currents 9 conference here in Seattle. Funny, once you get something on your radar screen, it keeps popping up. I have been reading snippets from and about him all over the place now, and had fun poking around his site, MAEDASTUDIO. (Warning... if you love the visual, be prepared to see many hours slip away while wandering around this site.) I had a moment of recognition reading his piece on community. (pdf)

I'm very interested in John's Simplicty work. But I REALLY can't wait till he realizes his global network/marketplace of artists. In the past 2 weeks I have had 3 or 4 moments where I wished I could turn to a network of artists and pay them to do something for me. John, how can I help you realize this dream?

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