Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Bill Anderson finds: One for the heart from Walt Kelly

This is a great quote. Have to share it, thanks to Bill Anderson.

edge city: One for the heart from Walt Kelly
"'There are other motivating forces besides anger that go into making up the so-called humorous treatments of recognizable situations. Despite his preoccupation with being a flashy, cigar-smoking, sharp, tough-minded, all-around good sport and well read to boot, the American male has soft deposits of tenderness in some of the lower strata of his make up. These occasionally quiver and rumble so that a recording is made on the seismograph of the mind. Such indications are very often ignored, put down firmly or chalked up as manifestations of approaching senility or drink-induced sentimentality. But now and then your infield is a little slow afoot and the heart puts a soft liner through for a two-base hit.'

- Walt Kelly, creator of Pogo"


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