Thursday, August 04, 2005

Where I Admit I'm Not Getting This Done

I had visions for my travel blog. Fantasies about clever narratives from the road. The best of my travel photos. Cool tips for folks who might be heading where I've just been.

Get real.

On my computer area about a zillion unedited photos. I have cards, receipts and scribbled addresses on ATM withdrawal receipts -- all that precious insider information, scattered to the winds of my office (chaos central.)

I have unfulfilled promises to people I said I would blog about. Pictures of food I have swooned over. Sights that have awed or quieted me.

So why ain't it on this blog? Let me count the ways.

1. I'm becoming a procrastinator in my middle age. Where is all that zesty efficiency I used to have? Sloth is my new pal.

2. Photos need resizing. I'm never consistent about how I shoot and shoot with two (equally crappy) cameras. I have ancient editing software. And see #1.

3. Clever text needs writing. Hell, I need to spell check even the easiest text. See #1.

4. Things should be posted when (or close to when) they happened. So if I haven't yet posted the pictures from 18 months ago, should I? Indecision joins procrastination for a tea party. I need wine instead! Hell, would you like it if I had a posting marathon and put up a gazillion photos and stories all at once? And destroy that day by day pace of "normal" blogging. (AHAHAHA, what is normal?)

5. Will I sound like an ignorant American (that I sometimes am)? As I write about places outside of the US, I truly worry about this. Plus my humor doesn't always travel well. It needs an airsick pill.

Should I quit this blog? Slog on? Whaddaya think? While you are pondering, I'll start a few posts from last month's vacation on the Washington State Olympic Peninsula, because there is a picture from a Bakery in Port Angeles that is just too good NOT to blog about.


Tom said...

Nancy - please don't think about stopping this blog. Travel and memory are much alike, so give us memories of travel!

1:15 PM  
Anonymous said...

I had a good laugh when I was looking for a mileage map to circle the Olympic Penn, stumbled on your blog, and began sputtering over "where the heck do these people find the time to do all this blogging, and why do they think anyone cares?" Then I clicked on "where I admit I'm not getting this done." My advice is stop living for all those people out there you don't even know, or don't even know exist. Your memories are just that, your memories. They are your treasure. They have little meaning to others, in comparison to their meaning to you, and a preoccupation with making them others' memories is not mentally healthy. OK, not mentally healthy for me. But maybe it is for you. So I take it back. Have fun.

10:07 AM  
Nancy White said...

Anonymous, you make some good points. For me, the most important part is letting go of the guilt part, but the blogging part is quite pleasurable when I get around to it. And sometimes the sharing of the memories with families and friends is an important part of the travel. Finally, I appreciate reading others' travel blogs as they open my eyes to new perspectives -- learning -- which is a keen, daily pleasure for me.

But you are spot on about not making this an obligation.

I hope you had a great trip to the Penninsula. It is a treasure

2:24 PM  

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