Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Community Indicators: Difficult conversations

I have a sense of being in community when I can have a difficult conversation within it and have the support and strength to stay in it till the end. Where it is "worth it" to go the extra mile. Shelly shares about A Difficult Conversation.
I’ve been involved with a rather intriguing conversation over at Phil Ringnalda’s. I hesitated to point to it, as when you read the comments, some of you may be disappointed in me. But for all my faults, I’ve not been one to hide my decisions, though I think it would have made it easier to get a job if I had.
We don't always have to engage or stay in difficult conversations. Walking away may also be an indicator. But I find personally I'm more likely to stay "in the game" when "in community." How about you?



Blogger Shelley said...

Sometimes there's something to be said for peaceful anonymity ;-)

8:02 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

True true. And some days more than others! (Hiding is also an option!)

9:19 PM  

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