Monday, August 29, 2005

Community Indicators: hello and good day

I love it when people write things that resonate and make me smile. Better even, when they can help me learn as well. Debra Roby had a great post on her blog, A Stitch in Time about the Community Path.
"Now all but the dullest reader will see that travelling a path is an easy allegory for moving through life... How many different ways do we pass by each other?

In real life... driving on the freeways, standing in line at a store, sitting at nearby tables in the coffeeshop. Online, we might be reading blogs, making comments, reading the same mailing list. We interact in casual ways in all these situations.

All fraught with chances for misunderstandings... or ripe for finding commonality.

How can we as a SOCIETY develop habits/guidelines/methods of interaction that acknowledge each person in an inclusive way? How can we build a 'community of the path' on every path in life?"
This idea of "path" jives with something Bill Anderson said to me today about what this us/them thing comes down to for him. The path HE chooses. Our ability to decide how we offer up our communication and receive (or not) the communications of others. If we choose civility, seriousness, humor, snarkiness, nastiness, grace. It is all in our realm to choose. And to vary our choices depending on the context.

Oh, and I found Debra's post because she used the community_indicators tag. Just made me smile, even though I have a hell of a sore throat and feel rather physically miserable. Maybe that's a sign of life!



Blogger Melinda Casino said...

Hi Nancy - I couldn't find your email so I'm leaving a comment here. I was wondering if you were going to watch the upcoming Blog Day 2005 unfold Aug. 31 and perhaps write about it (?).

12:00 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Hey, now that I know about it, I will. Thanks! (my email is nancyw at fullcirc dot com )

7:13 AM  
Blogger Melinda Casino said...

Great - and thanks for your email! ;)

6:37 PM  

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