Friday, September 03, 2004

Bernie DeKoven's Funlog - Boggle Revisited

I continue to be amazed how many comments and emails my Boggle post from July have triggered. Here is another from Bernie DeKoven's Funlog:
"It's a giant BOGGLE game, and it was played like this: 'The teams are up on the 10th, 11th, 12th and 14th floor...The (floor team) shuffles the letters...Then the (other) teams have a set period of time to call in their words via cell phone...Score was kept by the team (floor) on the stairs.' Played last July at the Boston Marriott Cambridge Hotel, Human BOGGLE was one of many puzzling events arranged and celebrated by the National Puzzlers League as part of their annual conference. In case you are wondering about appropriateness of the oddly semi-cooperative play spirit that was apparently manifest by conference organizers and participants, see their article on Sharing the fun for a different, and more inviting approach to puzzle-solving.

I found Human BOGGLE on a weblog written by Nancy White. It was one of those moments of web-induced serendipity. Nancy and I have been correspondents, and friends, since the early days of Technography. She, like I, has been fascinated by any attempts to facilitate actual cooperation in the real and/or virtual worlds. And, in actual, but curiously unrelated fact, she had just recently blogged the publication of Junkyard Sports. "


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