Saturday, September 03, 2005

BlogWalk Seattle 2005 - The Poster

BlogWalk Seattle 2005 - The Poster
Originally uploaded by kk+.
It's too early on a Saturday morning to be blogging. Our BlogWalk Seattle was lovely - fantastic people, thoughtful discussion, just the right amount of space and freedom and some great meals sandwiching the whole thing. Towards the end of the day we did a "once round the circle" on important moments in our blogging. While people spoke, I decided to just draw. Then we moved on to a more amorphous conversation and I just kept drawing. Korby, Jia and a few others picked up pens and helped add the final, lush layer.

I'm still too entrenched and distressed about the folks suffering after Katrina and our collective inability to reach and solace them in a timely manner to really process our blogwalk notes and thinking, but this image can be our gift back out to the world today.



Blogger Melinda Casino said...

"I'm still too entrenched and distressed about the folks suffering after Katrina and our collective inability to reach and solace them in a timely manner to really process our blogwalk notes and thinking, but this image can be our gift back out to the world today."

I know what you mean. And thanks for posting this.

10:47 PM  
Blogger Jon Husband said...

Thanks oh so very much, Nancy, to you and Larry for opening your home to me in my oh-so-mini emergency. The next morning the car started up in a second with the AAA heavy-duty jumper unit, and I sailed home nicely to Vancouver lost in reflection on a day very well spent at the Seattle Blogwalk.

And it was such a pleasure to meet Christie Lee-Engel. Thanks for enabling that.

1:17 AM  

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