Friday, September 09, 2005

mymindmaps - a photoset on Flickr

Monica, from Portugal, has this amazing set of photos on Flickr on "mindmaps." Notice that she juxtaposes her (delightful) hand drawn mindmaps from her PhD work with photos from nature that show the same branching structure as maps. Mmmm... fantastico. Gosto muito! Que beleza!

mymindmaps - a photoset on Flickr



Blogger Mónica André said...

Hi Nancy,

Blogging doesn't cease to amaze me: i was talking with Lilia, asking her how the trip to US went, when she told me about Beverly (living in Portugal), introduce me to her by email. ´

I've exchange mails and comments on her blog, and she told me that her and Nancy Smith talked in BlogHer about the possibility of making next year BlogHer in Portugal.

When i received the mail (today) i didn't join the pieces together...

In another blog ( i just found out that «mymindmaps» where mentioned, and i was intrigued...

... i've inserted the word "mymindmaps" in the new Blogger search and... follow the circle back to you :-)) and adding meaning to my last contact in Flickr. Thanks Nancy!


7:39 AM  

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