Friday, October 21, 2005

Another way of defining online community...

Communities declare they are communities. Or better yet, members declare they are part of a community.Melissa Middleton wrote today:
"One day…I came across an extraordinary community called SHARE. It was created by the March of Dimes. This beautiful place where parents come together…talk to each other…support one another…A place where I was welcomed to visit *any time* I wanted to …Oh! I felt like I had just been given Dorothy’s ruby slippers. The sun peeked through my computer window a little bit that day…hope nipped at my keyboard riding fingers…And my heart started thudding along with my base filled speakers….

Over time….I realize that, as Denise experiences have helped me “love deeper” and as Kara said, I want to “wrap my arms around another parent” who is standing now….where I once stood… "


HARE and MOD has filled my heart with hope…and in turn…I’ve fueled this hope into a passion for understanding and loving other parents…while helping MOD discover a happier outcome for us ALL…



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