Monday, October 17, 2005

Blogging in Portugal

My friend Bev, in recent posts on Em duas linguas, has been covering/translating some of the communications that have come out of the "Il Encontro de Weblogs" at the Universidade da Beira Interior. (See also the great notes from Monica and the conference blog - in Portuguese)

It has been great to have Bev's "take" on the proceedings (along with the translations) and it makes me wonder more and more about how culture shapes our use of technologies such as blogs. And gender! (see the session "Speaking of Blogs in the Feminine")

I have been following a number of women blogging in Portugal, each, as I understand it, from a different cultural background. I get the sense they are rebels. YES!

I'll confess a second motivation. At last summers Blogher, Bev and I dreamed of a women's blogging conference in Portugal in the fall, at a winery during the grape crush. Now THAT'S an unconference!

, ,


Blogger Mónica André said...

Hi Nancy,

The recente blogopedia, created as a result of some of the discussions that occured in the II Encontro de weblogs, already as a space for preparing the BlogHer em Portugal, IMHO makes it an ideal place (and format) for the organization of the event.

I apologize for the time it took, but wikis have been on my learning-wish-time-list for way to looong.

Already received manifestations of interest, but people are overwelmed (guess by seing what a great work Blogher is doing) for such a big challenge in organizing such an event.

For me, it's a challenge in trying to foster awareness by ways of doing and showing what blogging represents, what it can accomplish and how far it can reach.

Counting on your experience and wisdom to guide my colaboration :-)


4:29 AM  

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