Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm Now Chapter 8 - Collaborative Story Writing on a Blog

I've been posting a bit in the last week about distributed collaborative writing. One of the side benefits of blogging about an idea is that the web of networks between blogs makes connections to related efforts. As a result, I'm now going to write Chapter 8 of Vit's web-blogged, illustrated book (the picture on the right is Vic's). Here is the scoop: vitriolica webb's ite
"Each writer will be randomly assigned a chapter (I will really pull names out of a hat, cos I hate making decisions). Illustrators the same. If you are joining in, write me an email when you read this (to so that I have your email address and to let me know whether you are writing, illustrating or both (and if you would like to illustrate more than once, since there are fewer of us than there are of them!). If you still wanna join and missed the deadline...ach, deadline, scheadline.... , write to me anyway... we can still aspire to 'suitable boy' or 'war and peace' length!

I'm going to set up a fresh blog for the greatest novel ever written and I'll host and post the stuff you email to me.

As soon as I receive each finished chapter I will send it to the illustrator for that chapter and to the writer assigned to the next chapter. As soon as the illustration is ready, I'll post the two together.

Length and style of chapter or style of illustration are purely, simply and entirely up to you. I'll just suggest a tiny something as a start point for the whole thing ... it may be a word or a erm... a bearded nun! "
I'm particularly excited about this because it is writers and illustrators. My partner for chapter 8 is Andre! Whahoooo! Eu gostu disso!

Now I need to write a separate post on collaborative distributed writing/illustrating tools. I was at the Seattle Mind Camp debrief last night and this was a topic of some very interesting conversation.



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