Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Magnatune: "The open music record label"

I'm currently sampling music from Magnatune, a MP3 music and music licensing service (royalty free music and license music).

Take a look at this company. It is built on


They let you listen to any and all of their music for free. If and when you want to buy, you can download or download and get a physical CD. You can burn your downloads. You can GIVE COPIES TO THREE OF YOUR FRIENDS. You can podcast their music. And the split with musicians is 50/50.

Marketing genius. Now I have to go find some music I like so I can support them. After Sony's egregious move with their tracking software, my ideal is to be able to move towards using services like Magnatune.

P.S. (a few minutes later) - I found Jami Sieber! Jami is an amazing cellist. I knew her and her work from her days in the band, Rumors of the Big Wave.

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Anonymous Nollind Whachell said...

If you like pianists, Rob Costlow's Bliss is amazing (from his album Sophomore Jinx). Everytime I hear it, my imagination starts taking me away on a journey.

8:24 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Mm, fun to discover these. Thanks! It is also interesting as I fill my husband's ipod shuffle for a birthday present from my parents to him. It makes you think of music in a different way when mixing it for someone else.

8:28 AM  

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