Thursday, December 29, 2005

2006 Wishes: what you'd like to see more/less of in the blogosphere

Toby Bloomberg of Diva Marketing wrote last week asking for "what you'd like to see more of and what you'd like to see less of ... in the blogosphere."

Well, on the flippant side, more chocolate, less baloney.

Getting a wee bit more serious (because I'm still on blogholiday) I'd like to see more exploration of how blogs can support collaboration, particularly in the non profit world, but I'm happy to see it happening in any domain. How can we create both this wonderful sense of self identity that is so strong in blogs and lean it towards a group goal? Crazy? Perhaps.

More generally, I WILL be reading blogs that

  • help me see others' perspectives, particularly outside of my culture or domains
  • make me smile when I need some smiling
  • offer me the chance to learn something new

What I'd like to see less of? Well, the joy of blogs is if you don't like 'em, don't read 'em. So it is easy to not see what I don't want to see. Not that I believe blinders are always a useful thing - grin. I know I won't be reading blogs that:

  • don't have full RSS feeds because time is precious;
  • are over the top with self promotion or pure publicity seeking;
  • support gratuitous flames because I simply don't enjoy them. I don't begrudge them, but I'm not wasting my time!


Blogger Jillaine Smith said...

What I'd like to see more of:

1. one application that does it all for me.
or better yet:
2. a way to create one application that integrates all my favorite applications into one.

As nancy knows from an email exchange, I am currently using eleven (that's "11") applications to monitor and manage internet-related communications. That's simply insane!

-- Jillaine

11:08 AM  

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