Thursday, December 15, 2005

Community Indicators - Asking for Help

Today on the ComPrac Yahoogroup, a long lived email based network of people interested in communities of practice, a member posted a plea for help in defining his dissertation question on communities of practices. Within a few hours some great responses were given by members of the group. Take a look at this one...Re: [cp] Help For My Dissertation. New member Vic Uzumeri offered some very useful and concrete suggestions.

Asking and answering --> a great community indicator! This has me thinking about my internal reflections on Squidoo. I haven't figured out how they intend to support interactivity between a lensmaster and users of the lens. I feel the need on my part for interaction. That's clearly my bias. Maybe it is reflective of my interpretation of what "everyone is an expert" means. To me, that means no one alone is an expert, but we, collectively, are the expert.


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