Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Discardia and the Winter Solstice

I have been struggling to compose a year end piece that looks back, and to the future. I haven't had the mental space to reflect at the level I want. I'm cluttered at year end, not complete. So guess what flows across my field of view today but a reminder that tomorrow is not only the Winter Solstice (light will be returning for those of us in the north!) but the beginning of Discardia. Discardia is a "floating holiday to celebrate letting go. The next discardia runs Dec 2005 - 30 Dec 2005.

Yes, I should clean my office. But inside, I want to figure out what I want to hold on to, and what I need to let go to be able to learn and do what comes next.

Two of my larger clients are going to be leaving (due to good, natural reasons.) I have a chance to "open the window" to what can then fit in that space, including perhaps, a little space!

I'm challenging myself in 2006 to do more public speaking in a way that I want to be spoken to, which is a practice that I have to work hard at.

I feel the need to dispense with some of the clutter, physical and mental, that has filled up my life.

Discardia sounds just about right for me today.

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Anonymous beth said...


Thanks for the discardia link! I really need that too!

2:39 PM  

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