Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday Night Confession: I Egosurfed

egoSurf - ego surfing without the guilt.

3815 ego points. I try to resist this shit, but tonight I was weak. I think I shall have to have a piece of chocolate as well. Smirk!

(Gaming the system? Oh yeah, it works. This little edit a few minutes later has my google ego points up to 5686, over 9000, etc. etc., just by searching on nancy white instead of nancywhite. Still a dustmote, but it's fun. Such a tease, egosurf!)


Anonymous DrumsNWhistles said...

Aw, what a drag. In addition to possibly annoying someone and being the target of a government investigation, when I tried the egosurf link it blocked me because my name has a forbidden term in it:

I wonder how many people that happens to -- ShAO-Lin probably couldn't egosurf either.

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Denise said...

I knew you'd be egosurfing Nancy - not 'cause you need to egosurf but because it's prime time wasting fodder. I did it too. The thing that was most fun was manipulating the thing to watch the points go up, or down, depending on what you added or removed.

Fun stuff.

4:02 AM  
Anonymous Beth said...

okay, then I won't tell you about

5:02 PM  
Blogger weez said...

Totally sucked in. I blame you.

7:50 PM  

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