Thursday, February 23, 2006

Beyond the Edge: Distilling the Depths

Some friends of mine have been making magic at a gathering they convene, Beyond the Edge. Dan just blogged about it and if you are interested in leadership, I suggest you start with this blog post, then wander to the BTE site.
"There is a famous image, sourced in Zen Buddhism, that says we all need time to let the silt settle out from the pure water of the spring. That's what Beyond the Edge is, a chance to let the water clear, to distill the depths, and then look through rather than look at. People have come for so many reasons: to find their vision, to cure a fear of failure, to rediscover the person who can operate from equanimity, joy, patience or hope. So many reasons and just one really, having to do with releasing an essential, deeply personal possibility. Beyond the Edge is a kind of portal to a better world through the growth of people who in whatever ways, large or small, with corporations or non-profits, in their lives with their families or only with themselves, are intentional. They lead."

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