Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Mentions of the New Blogher Site

It is fun to read the reactions on the new BlogHer site (disclosure, I'm a contributing editor, totally volunteered so I was not whipped into conciousness with an organic carrot to say this!)
"Where the women bloggers are" The new BlogHer site is up. Looks impressive. It's hard to imagine how this won't end up being a force online." [Clicked, by Will Femia at MSNBC]

"The shiny new is Drupaltastic ! BlogHer’s like a fairy godmother mafia; everyone is just so darned supportive (and smart)! Check out the bajillion blogs written by women and organized by topic." [Spontaneous Order]

"I am in love with the Research and Academia section of BlogHer. Leslie Madsen Brooks (aka the lovely and amazing Trillwing, who sometimes stops over here, scaring me with her former carpet mushrooms) heads up the R discussion, and she's doing a good job of it. Check it out, along with the rest of BlogHer!" [Queen of West Procrastination]

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