Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Werdmuller :: Web 2.0 is Marxism? Think again

Very useful response to the CBS article comparing Web 2.0 with Marxism. Thanks, Ben! (I'm not linking to the CBS article. Why give it more juice?)
Web 2.0 is Marxism? Think again
What Keen fails to see is that it's exactly through these explorations, these connections with similar people, that we learn new things. We only learn more about ourselves if we only consume our own content; in fact, we're connecting to other people and sharing with them. Etienne Wenger commented on this while defining communities of practice:
Being alive as human beings means that we are constantly engaged in the pursuit of enterprises of all kinds, from ensuring our physical survival to seeking the most lofty pleasures. As we define these enterprises and engage in their pursuit together, we interact with each other and with the world and we tune our relations with each other and with the world accordingly. In other words we learn.

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Anonymous cbrayton said...

Creative Commonism DOES sound a little bit like Communism, except for lacking that "u." But of course no one who makes these facile comparisons has ever actually encountered a Marxist thinker. They just took their college professor's word for it that the Bearded One had nothing interesting to say. I recommend Cybermarx by a professor from Canada named Nick Dyer-Witheford.

6:12 PM  

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