Thursday, March 09, 2006

Are we strangers? A preemie parent's story on Flickr

Via my work on the March of Dimes Share Your Story online community for parents of babies in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) I was passed a link to a flickr photo set documenting the short life of Stuart, born too soon. Stuart Highlights - a photoset on Flickr is a beautiful testement to a baby who had a very short life, but it is also something larger for us, the viewer and us, those who comment and connect.

Reading both Stuart's dad's narrative and the comments of friends, families and flickr friends, I was struck by how images, words and conveyance via the internet helped us cross the chasm, even if for a moment, connecting between people, making us something other than strangers, anonymous beings.

It is powerful. It is moving. It causes us to think. To feel. Very human practices.

How can we leverage this connection to our humanness, our humanity, to cross other chasms?

Stuart's family - you have touched us. Stuart, you have touched us through the words and images your dad shared. Thank you.

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Anonymous Susan said...

Nancy -
I am so thrilled you wrote about this.
I don't know why, I'm not related to this family. But the story moved me, as do most of the stories of this nature.

I hope you come visit us again. Next time we should all go out and socialize.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Beth said...

When you read the words - the quotes or the postings at the site or even when I hear you talk about the project (sorry) - nothing is as powerful as those visuals. Stories are powerful.

3:40 PM  

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