Friday, March 24, 2006

Family Oral History Using Digital Tools

One more quickie, then it is time for Friday leftovers dinner. Susan Kitchens has done something brilliant with Family Oral History Using Digital Tools. She is putting into our hands the ways to capture the stories buried in the hearts and minds of our families. (Now, I know, some of those stories you WANT to keep buried.) Yay, Susan!

Now it's time for dinner.


Anonymous Susan Kitchens said...

Nancy, thanks so much for noticing, and for linking. (As an old-timer blogger setting up a new site, I'm experiencing anew the process of starting up and getting noticed. I've been hoping that other people link to the site. Still getting the word out.)
It's a very happy thing to see a link from the outside world!!! Thanks!

8:02 PM  

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