Monday, March 06, 2006

Stephen Downes Takes a Pause

It is always interesting and sometimes painful to see something from a colleague - perhaps one you have met briefly F2F, or only known online -- that gives you pause. Today when I opened up my daily fix of Stephen Downes' ~ OLDaily, I read this message:
"I have always tried to offer as much of myself as I could through this service and others in my work and in my own time. It has never been enough, which was made clear to me today, but I am tired and don't have anything more to give.

Accordingly, I am placing this newsletter and website on hiatus for an indefinite period. I will be back when I'm back.

Please know that I have always valued and held in the highest esteem the work that all of you are doing to try to make things better, especially for the young. My dedication toward your objectives, toward social justice and opportunity, toward a better life for all, is never wavering, will never waver.

It is time for a darkening of the light as I retreat and think about what I am going to do and how I am going to do it, but know that the light will never flicker and never fade. I wish you well in your endeavours, and I will be back to walk the long hard road alongside you.

-- Stephen
Stephen has been one of those people who never holds back his ideas, resources, opinions and pointers. If there is an example of someone living an open source or gift economy life, he fits it. But based on the tone of his message, I can't help but wonder what it costs him in his professional position.

That said, I left him a message supporting his hiatus. Taking a break, making space, reflecting, being silent: these are things that it is easy to skip in our fast paced online lives. Finding the balance of self and world is perhaps a rare gift.

Whatever the cause, Stephen, I support you in finding the next steps on your path.

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Blogger Lace said...

A generous commentary about a generous member of the blogosphere. Thank you, Nancy, so well said!

1:01 PM  

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