Friday, April 21, 2006

Some Blogger Template Help

Friends! My blog looks right in Firefox, but on IE my right sidebar briefly loads on the right as the page is loading, but then falls to the bottom. I've looked at my template and frankly, I can't see the error. Can anyone help me? If so, holler. I'll send you the code to look at then you will have my undying gratitude plus I'll owe ya one! Full Circle Online Interaction Blog


Anonymous Michael said...


You have text on the right column that is too long. You need to add a space in between the characters.

The link is:

1:42 PM  
Blogger orcmid said...

I notice that, after the sidebar floats to the bottom of all the texts, it also slides left. I suspect that there specification of the sidebar's position is in conflict with the width of the main body section, and the page width is constrained so that IE gives up and puts it at the bottom.

Check the width settings for the page and for each vertical segment (body texts and sidebar).

Also: what was changed most recently? Unless Blogger has been automatically updating people's templates, it is usually something else that was done or added recently.

[I would recommend putting the sidebar on the left for this and other reasons.]

1:44 PM  
Blogger orcmid said...

Ah, Michael caught what was pushing the sidebar too wide. Yup, that will do it.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Brilliant. It was my bloglines generated blogroll causing the problem. I edited the long names and VOILA! You two are brilliant. You have my official undying gratitude and my marker.

Plus, I'm astonished how fast you answered. ANd on a Friday!!!

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Dave Burke said...

Wow! Talk about SUPPORT!

I could've figured that out, too, if only your cyberbuds didn't already have it fixed in a matter of MINUTES!

Great job, ya'll!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Joitske Hulsebosch said...

This was just the problem I had after I added my delicious tags! It is now solved, thanks!!

1:20 AM  
Blogger Mr. French said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:53 PM  

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