Friday, April 14, 2006

"We must never stop trying to tell stories of who we think we are"

Too good not to repost from Conversations with Dina: "Thought for the Day

'One thing remains constant about our humanity - that we must never stop trying to tell stories of who we think we are. Equally, we must never stop wanting to listen to each other's stories. If we ever stopped, it would all be over. Everything we are as human beings, would be reduced to a lost book floating in the universe, with no one to remember us, no one to know we once existed' - Ruth Behar in an article called Ethnography and the Book That Was Lost "


Blogger Vicki A. Davis said...

David Warlick is talking about similar things in "telling the new story." I believe that people who cannot relate to the "geekiness" of technology and its inner workings can relate very well to the human side. They can relate to the people in front of the screens that are transformed and their stories.

As humans, we like stories of humans. I wish I could hear you speak at Blogher, perhaps you'll do a podcast for those of us with three kids who have to stay home!

6:03 AM  

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