Thursday, May 11, 2006

Microsoft Social Computing Symposium

Easily Distracted has a great series of posts live blogging from the third annual MSFT Social Computing Symposium that happened this week in Seattle. Liz Lawley, who organized the event has a useful after action report.

Thanks to the amazing AV team, there was streaming video of the group sessions paired with and IRC backchannel which graciously allowed more of us to benefit from the ideas and discussions. I have "sat in" on IRC channels, but I think this is the first time paired with video. Even with teh 27 second delay, I realized something. I loved having the laughter from the room in the audio. It made the IRC more alive.

I didn't used to think I was so aurally tuned. Maybe it is just that I'm laughter-tuned.

I was really happy to see Liz bring in some elements of Open Space. We shared a bit on the event blog (not a public blog) about how difficult it is to get organizational buy in for Open Space, yet when you have a group of smart, energetic people, it can be the best substrate for bringing out great conversations and ideas.

(And Liz, I did not envy your decision making role. I hate when I have to choose. Thanks for letting the rest of us peek in!)



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