Monday, June 26, 2006

British Council Case Study on Wikis on the Intranet

Maish Nichani posted a useful case study, Using Wikis on the Intranet: The British Council Case Study
Wikis are increasingly being used on the intranet to help in collaboration around shared work. However, many case studies only briefly cover the actual work practices that successfully accommodate wikis; the focus is still on the overall reactions of the managers and staff on their use. In this article, I will describe how wikis are used in the Singapore branch of the British Council and highlight the characteristics of the work practices that accommodate them.
The most significant thing for me in this case study is the recognition of organizational culture and how it does or does not support more common wiki practices.
...he carefully pointed out that even though he found use for the wiki inside the British Council, it wouldn’t have taken off if it were not for the ‘culture of negotiation’ that already existed within the organization. It is in this culture of negotiation that people are aware that they don’t know everything; that others know different things; and through dialogue and negotiation, they can together create better things.
For anyone looking at using wikis, this is a useful, practical article with concrete practice suggestions. Thanks, Maish!


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