Friday, July 28, 2006

Lunchtime with Meg and Catarina

Our lunch time panel here at Blogher is Catarina Fake and Meg Hourihan, interviewed by Marnie Webb. We've wandered into the territory of how we nuture and sometimes manage community. It was heartening to hear these words:

A lot of online community building is like you are the host of the party. If you show up and don’t know anybody and no one takes your coat and shows you around, you are going to leave. The feminine touch there really matters. That is how we greeted people at flickr. Creating a culture in an online community is incredibly important. What’s ok in a fantasy football league is different than what we wanted to cultivate on flickr. Then those become the practices of the flickr. Everyone starts greeting people., Get the ball rolling. You want people engaged, feel strongly enough so they are the community police. - Catarina Fake, Flickr

We completed our workshop on Blog Based Communities this morning. We had some connectivity challenges, so I was not able to get as much as I wanted on the wiki I set up, so I'll have to go back later and try and reconstruct some of the session.


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