Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mary Lu on Assisted Computing Facilities

This is a keeper. If you have ever helped out a family member with technology issue, read this! SHOULD MY LOVED ONE BE PLACED IN AN ASSISTED COMPUTING FACILITY?
For family members, it is often the most difficult and painful decision they will face: to accept that a loved one - a parent, a spouse, perhaps a sibling - is technologically impaired and should no longer be allowed to live independently, or come near a computer or electronic device without direct supervision. The time has come to place that loved one into the care of an Assisted Computing Facility. But you have questions. So many questions.

We at Silicon Pines want to help."



Blogger Cryztalvisions said...

This couldn't come at a more appropriate time...just spent most of the day trouble-shooting computer problems for family and friends. I'm off to have them all committed, I mean placed in ACF.

Thanks for the much needed laugh!

6:06 PM  
Blogger SwampHag said...

Nevermind computers, my parents cannot/will not use the dvd player I gave them last Christmas. (They won't even consider a computer.) I gave it to them because I'd created a dvd of alllll the scanned pics taken over the decades. They loved that part of the gift but are totally disgusted now with the dvd player that they cannot get to work no matter how many times we try to help them out, to the point they now will not rent any more movies at all, thereby limiting their lives even more than they already are.

And, of course, there's all the relatives who after being online for almost a decade are still sending around the same virus hoaxes, have never learned how to send on jokes without multiple forwards, don't know how to copy and paste, etc.

Then there's the dad of a friend of mine. Well into his 80s when my friend gave him his first computer and helped him get started on it (and field numerous phone calls and emails as issue after issue came up). This elderly gentleman has become a huge fan, taking classes at the local college to get more up to speed, etc. Now THAT is cool. :-)

Thanks for sharing this very funny article!

10:47 AM  

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