Thursday, October 05, 2006

Updates and Pointers

Oi Oi Oi... heard back from Blogger and my Australian October blog DID have a bug, they are fixing it and my blog is back. Phew. ( I just posted a little audio there)

Most of my blogging action for the next 4 weeks will be on that blog, so if it is quiet here, you'll know why.

In the mean time, read this cool post: Rhizomes, Deleuze and collaborative models (and online ‘textbooks’) part 1. - Dave’s Educational Blog. I'm looking forward to part 2!

Here are a few more links I was hording:
  • ECSCW 2005 Proceedings: "Proceedings of the 2005 Ninth European Conference on
    Computer-Supported Cooperative Work"
  • Via Deborah Schultz: Until Monday - Visit like you live there. Live there like you know.
  • David's Joho the Blog: My Internet bubble, which describes my past 5 weeks.
  • DigitlDialog: Are There Learning Artifacts?, a post I really want to respond to.
  • Brian has a new blog - On Community...: Dating, Tags and Niches, oh my!
  • The Future of Learning in a Networked World, full of stuff I have been thinking about.
  • Scott Berkin on How to run a great unconference session
  • Mohamed Amine Chatti's What is a community? - collection of definitions
  • Overcome the Challenges of Distance with Free Online Tools
  • A conversation I intended to participate in, but ran out of time. Social Networking: Why are Conversation and Collaboration Tools so Underused?

    That's probably enough for now.



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