Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Page of Question that has me SLATHERING!

From early October's CCNR Conference...Prato wiki - The Big Questions. This is the emerging Community Informatics community.

The next question is what will they do with these questions?

Maybe I'll borrow a few and play with them here.

A couple of my favorites:


Blogger Tony Karrer said...

Nancy - I've asked for the same kind of list in the world of eLearning (or learning) but have not seen that much interest. I wonder why that is? Do people find these lists of questions helpful? Especially if they are higher level like this?

I personally believe that the lack of questions is hurting us tremendously because we don't know what the real challenges are, but I'm also not sure if having a laundry list like this helps. Any thoughts?

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Bev Trayner said...


Better go sign the questions I wrote! You'll recognise them, because your influence is all over my formulation of them!

* What are the design considerations for helping a community to use new (Web 2.0) technologies?

* How do you catch people's imagination or change people's mindset that they can use new technologies in their community?

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Bev Trayner said...

Tony .. those questions came at the beginning of a conference where we had to write our questions for the conference on pieces of paper and stick them on boards at the front.

I think the context for asking the questions might influence getting a list (or not).

2:06 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Bev, I did suspect you had a hand in some of those questions! ;-)

Tony, a laundry list is overwhelming, for sure. But what I find limits me is taking the time to SLOW DOWN and actually consider the questions. I have come to the conclusion that my speed and multitasking is starting to take a toll in this very area.

So maybe we have to question our practices of living, at a fundamental level, before we can realistically expect that we'll thoughtfully ask and try to explore these sorts of questions.


6:02 PM  
Blogger Mark Gaved said...

Hi Nancy

thanks for picking up on the Prato 2006 "Big Questions". We're really keen for as many people as possible to contribute with their thoughts, musings, maybe even some answers :-)

If this sounds good, drop me a line, and I'll give you the editing password - Mark. m.b.gaved

Please pass the password round to all your friends, alas we've just found that putting up open wikis or the passwords online ends up with too much wikispam...

12:59 PM  
Blogger Tony Karrer said...

For some reason, coComment just notified me that there were other comments on this. Timely, I'm guessing.

In any case, I would be curious to hear the reaction of people who can directly relate to the subject matter of these questions to see if they are really helpful. Are they at a level of specificity that allows someone to contribute answers?

As Nancy knows, we've been trying a slightly different approach with "The Big Question" on LCB. It seems to have done pretty well to spark discussion, but I feel like there has to be better ways to do this across large domains and large audiences.

2:16 PM  

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