Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sharing how we see ourselves

I was quite taken with this comment on a post on Ron (edited to fix name) Lubensky's blog from George Siemens. It speaks to me of how blogging and open publishing on the web influences not only how others see us, but how we see ourselves.

eLearning Moments: George Siemens Knows Knowledge:
"Finally, I don't see myself as a revolutionary. At best, I'm speaking my personal confusion out loud. I don't have all (even most) of the answers...and I imagine the book reflected this. The book was a public personal struggle with knowledge. For this reason, I hope the wiki will address the difficult areas of the text. It is, after all, more of an invitation to a conversation than an exposition of knowledge."
George, actually, in my eyes, you are a bit of a revolutionary, and for that, I'm grateful.


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