Thursday, January 18, 2007

Social Media Club Community Indicator

Amy Lenzo helped facilitate a Social Media Club meeting in SFO last week, introducing the World Cafe as a way to build the dialog. Amy blogged about it and one bit stood out for me as a community indicator: BeautyDialogues: Social Media Club:
"Jimmy Wales (co-founder of Wikipedia) was there from his new business, Wikia, (informally, but it turned out they sponsored the event at the last minute by generously throwing in some money when the numbers rose steeply and Chris needed help buying pretzels & beer for the crowd).
Amy also shared what I perceive as Jimmy's community mantra. She wrote:
He started the conversation off by sharing some of the core values that hold the Wikipedia community together. He said the three things that had really mattered to them as their community developed were "Assume Good Faith", practice "Intentional Vulnerability", and promote "Accountability rather than Gatekeeping".
I found myself nodding in firm agreement, and also saw these three things as another community indicator.


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